Open Scientific Seminar – AI Liability

We are pleased to announce that the Open Scientific Seminar of the Protection of the Elderly Team was held on Tuesday, 24.10.2022 at 4:30 p.m.





Prof. Agnieszka Gryszczyńska, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University – Opening of the seminar

Monika Adamczyk,  Cybersecurity Expert, European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) -Keynote speech: AI Threat Landscape (cybersecurity threats and security of ML algorithms)


Adv. Roman Bieda, Kozminski University/AI LAW TECH Fundation, Dorota Skrodzka – Kwietniak, AI LAW TECH Fundation – Keynote speech:  Legal challenges of quantum technologies


Ph.D. Rafał Wielki,  University of Opole – The Risks Associated with the Use of AI

Ph.D. Zbigniew Więckowski, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University – AI Act – what about the EU position?

Prof. István Ambrus,  Eötvös Loránd University – If the AI causes harm, who is to blame? Considerations from a criminal lawyer’s point of view

Prof. Agnieszka Gryszczyńska, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University – Risk and liability in European Parliament resolution on artificial intelligence in criminal law and its use by the police and judicial authorities in criminal matters.

Prof. Emőd Veress, Ferenc Mádl Institute of Comparative Law – Topical Questions on the Civil Liability for AI caused harms

Prof. Barnabás Hajas,  Pázmány Péter Catholic University – Damage caused by AI used by public administration?

Ph.D. Zbigniew Więckowski, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University – Discussion and summary of the seminar



A recording of the Seminar is available below: