Ostatnie Otwarte Seminaria Naukowe w grudniu

Mamy zaszczyt zaprosić Państwa do obejrzenia ostatnich w tym roku Otwartych Seminariów Naukowych w ramach projektu Polsko-Węgierskiej Platformy Badawczej. Po raz kolejny i ostatni spotkaliśmy się z zespołami ds. sztucznej inteligencji, sądownictwa administracyjnego, ochrony osób starszych i mediacji.

Wszystkie seminaria będą dostępne bezpłatnie online pod wskazanymi poniżej linkami. Serdecznie zapraszamy!


Open Scientific Seminar – Artificial Intelligence

06.12.2022, 17:00 UTC (Tuesday)



István Ambrus – AI Decision-Making and Criminal Law

Agnieszka Gryszczyńska – AI Decision-Making and Cybercrime cases

Barnabas Hajas – AI Decision-Making and Administrative Law

Emőd Veress – AI Decision-Making and Civil Law

Rafał Wielki – AI Decision-Making and Policing

Zbigniew Więckowski – Biometrics – Council of Europe 'soft law’



Link to the Video:



Open Scientific Seminar – Administrative Justice

07.12.2022, 16:00 UTC (Wednesday)



Gábor Hulkó – Conclusions on the efficiency issues in administrative justice

Kitti Pollák – Special judicial review procedure: electoral procedure II

Przemysław Ostojski – Standards of judicial review in strategic areas of Polish economy. De lege ferenda conclusions

Agata Kosieradzka-Federczyk – Procedure and consequences of granting provisional measures

Mateusz Pszczyński – An effective electronic administrative court: an attempt at conclusion


Link do Video:


Open Sceintific Seminar – Protection of the Elderly

08.12.2022, 16:00 UTC (Thursday)



18.00-18.05: Wojciech Lis – Opening of the seminar

18.05-18.15: Konrad Walczuk – Protection of the elderly pursuant to art. 68 sec. 3 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland

18.15-18.25: Marta Osuchowska – De lege ferenda proposals for the accessibility of seniors to education and culture and the possibility of gainful employment

18.25-18.35: Marta Benyusz – Actions to increase the protection of the rights of the elderly in Hungarian law

18.35-18.45: Zsuzsa Wopera – Conclusions of the EU and Hungarian regulations for the procedural protection of the elderly

18.45-18.55: Wojciech Lis – Legal challenges related to the aging of the socjety

18.55-19.05: Erika Varadi-Csemane – Characteristics of age-focused criminality – possible criminal law responses

19.05-19.25: Discussion and summary of the seminar

19.25-19.30: Closing of the seminar



Link do Video:


Open Scientific Seminar – Mediation

13.12.2022, 19:00 UTC (Tuesday)



Magdalena Kowalewska – Mediation in Criminal Cases – Overview of Research Results

Michał Peno – Roadmap for Legislator  – Social Mechanisms for Implementing Mediation

Ferenc Santha – New Opportunities and Challenges of VOM and Reparation  – pa   rt. II Mediation in Administrative Criminal Cases

Adam Rixer – Presentation of the Results of the Interviews Taken – de lege ferenda Suggestions

Katarzyna Zombory – Implementing the principle of child’s best interest through mediation in the Polish proceedings for the return of a child under the 1980 Hague Convention

Barbara Janusz-Pohl Contrary-To-Duty- Norms and Axiological Basis for Mediation. Must Mediation be Reshaped in Non-adversarial Models of Prosecution?



Link do Video: