Open Scientific Seminar „Current legal regulations and research on AI in Poland and Hungary”

We are pleased to inform you that the first Open Scientific Seminar within the Polish-Hungarian Research Platform was held on Thursday, 15 July, 2022.


The topic of the Seminar:
Current legal regulations and research on AI in Poland and Hungary












18.00-18.05 – Agnieszka Gryszczyńska, Opening of the seminar

18.05-18.20 – Zbigniew Więckowski, AI Strategy for Poland

18.20-18.35 – Rafał Wielki, Artificial Intelligence Needs in Poland

18.35-18.50 – Emőd Veress, Debates and Private Law Research in Hungary related to AI

18.50-19.05 – Barnabas Hajas, Challenges to the codification of administrative procedure in the regulation of artificial intelligence

19.05-19.20 – István Ambrus, Attempts to codify the punishability of AI in Hungary

19.20-19.30 – Agnieszka Gryszczyńska, Status of research on the legal regulation on AI in Poland

19.30-19.35 – Agnieszka Gryszczyńska, Conclusion of the seminar



The meeting was held online using the ClickMeeting platform, free of charge.


A recording of the Seminar is available below: