
Naukowcy z dziesięciu państw Europy Centralnej podsumowali badania

50 badaczy z 18 ośrodków naukowych w dziesięciu krajach Europy Środkowej zaprezentowało wyniki badań porównujących systemy prawne poszczególnych państw oraz rekomendacje ustawodawcze dla krajowych ministerstw i parlamentów. – Chodzi o uczenie się od siebie nawzajem i wspólnie poprawiać nasze systemy prawne – mówi dr hab. Marcin Wielec, dyrektor Instytutu Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości.

Sixth international scientific seminars


More effective protection for farmers and children with disabilities, the effectiveness of the law in terms of cybercrime, and the issue of freedom of conscience are the topics of open scientific seminars that the Justice Institute is organizing as part of the third edition of the Polish-Hungarian Research Platform 2023.


Fifth International scientific seminars

More effective protection for farmers and children with disabilities, the effectiveness of the law in terms of cybercrime, and the issue of freedom of conscience are the topics of open scientific seminars that the Justice Institute is organizing as part of the third edition of the Polish-Hungarian Research Platform 2023.


Fourth International scientific seminars

More effective protection for farmers and children with disabilities, the effectiveness of the law in terms of cybercrime, and the issue of freedom of conscience are the topics of open scientific seminars that the Justice Institute is organizing as part of the third edition of the Polish-Hungarian Research Platform 2023.


Third International scientific seminars

More effective protection for farmers and children with disabilities, the effectiveness of the law in terms of cybercrime, and the issue of freedom of conscience are the topics of open scientific seminars that the Justice Institute is organizing as part of the third edition of the Polish-Hungarian Research Platform 2023.

Second International scientific seminars

More effective protection for farmers and children with disabilities, the effectiveness of the law in terms of cybercrime, and the issue of freedom of conscience are the topics of open scientific seminars that the Justice Institute is organizing as part of the third edition of the Polish-Hungarian Research Platform 2023.