
Open Scientific Seminar – AI Liability

We are pleased to announce that the Open Scientific Seminar of the Protection of the Elderly Team was held on Tuesday, 24.10.2022 at 4:30 p.m.


Open Scientific Seminar – Protection of the Elderly

We are pleased to announce that the Open Scientific Seminar of the Protection of the Elderly Team was held on Friday, 28.10.2022 at 6:00 p.m.


Open Scientific Seminar – Mediation

We are pleased to announce that the Open Scientific Seminar of the Mediation Team was held on Monday, 31.10.2022 at 3:30 p.m.


Full recording of the International Scientific Conference

Ladies and Gentlemen!

We are pleased to announce that the full recording of the International Scientific Conference summarising the Polish-Hungarian Research Platform 2021 project is available at https://iws.gov.pl/polish-hungarian-research-platform-2022/phrp2021/!

We encourage you to watch it!


Open Scientific Seminar „Traditional and contemporary challenges”

We are pleased to announce that the Open Scientific Seminar of the Administrative Judiciary Team was held on Friday, September 30, 2022.

In the third open scientific seminar the research group “The Reform of the Administrative Judiciary” participants presented general rules and challenges regarding their research topic in comparative aspects too.


The topic of the Seminar:

Traditional and contemporary challenges


Open Scientific Seminar „Access to the fair trial. Will AI is ready to help?”

We are pleased to announce that the Open Scientific Seminar of the Artificial Intelligence Team was held on Tuesday, September 27, 2022.


The topic of the Seminar:

Access to the fair trial. Will AI is ready to help?


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