
Open Scientific Seminar „International regulations concerning AI”

We are pleased to inform you that the second Open Scientific Seminar of the Artificial intelligence Research Team was held on Monday, July 26, 2022.


The topic of the Seminar:

International regulations concerning AI

Open Scientific Seminar „Preliminary questions regarding the topics of the research group The Reform of the Administrative Judiciary”

We are pleased to inform you that the first Open Scientific Seminar of the Reform of the Administrative Judiciary Research Team was held on Monday, July 25, 2022.


The topic of the Seminar:

Preliminary questions regarding the topics of the research group The Reform of the Administrative Judiciary

Open Scientific Seminar „Protection of the elderly in the criminal and criminological terms”

We are pleased to inform you that the first Open Scientific Seminar of the Protection of the elderly Research Team was held on Monday, July 25, 2022.


The topic of the Seminar:

Protection of the elderly in the criminal and criminological terms

Open Scientific Seminar „Current legal regulations and research on AI in Poland and Hungary”

We are pleased to inform you that the first Open Scientific Seminar within the Polish-Hungarian Research Platform was held on Thursday, 15 July, 2022.


The topic of the Seminar:
Current legal regulations and research on AI in Poland and Hungary


Opening of new research platforms [update]

We are pleased to announce that the success of the Polish-Hungarian Research Platform, resulted in the opening of three new scientific research platforms!


Their opening will take place on 27th June 2022!

Polish-Hungarian Research Platform 2022 – Meeting with Team Leaders

On June 8, 2022 a meeting with Team Leaders of the Polish-Hungarian Research Platform 2022 project took place.

During the meeting the Team Leaders were informed about the activities planned within the project, the research concept template and the project milestones.

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