Regulation of incendiary speech on social networks

The webinar is planned and organized as a dissemination event of the research carried out within the framework of the Central European Professors’ Network coordinated by the Ferenc Mádl Institute of Comparative Law.
Place of the event: Zoom (Ljubljana, Faculty of Law)
Format of the event: Round table discussion
Event registration:
On Thursday, May 20 2021, at 5 pm, a round table ‘Regulation of inappropriate speech on social networks’ is held on the Zoom platform. The organization of the round table was encouraged by the research on legal regulation of expression on social networks carried out within the framework of the Central European Professors’ Network coordinated by the Ferenc Mádl Institute of Comparative Law.
Inappropriate speech on social media is not necessarily illegal and is subject to public, private and hybrid governance. The round table touches upon a multitude of questions that arise in a given context: How to draw the line between inappropriate and illegal hate speech? Where are the limits of freedom of expression? What are the triggers of hateful and inappropriate speech online? What are the peculiarities and challenges of inappropriate speech on Slovenian social networks? What are good practices regarding moderation of content on social networks? What can we expect from programs for automated detection of inappropriate speech in Slovenian language? What challenges regarding inappropriate speech on social networks remain open and how (should) law and society respond to them? These and other issues require multidisciplinary approaches, so the round table facilitates a discussion between legal, social and computer scholars. Short presentations by the guest speakers are followed by a moderated discussion open to questions from the audience.
You are cordially invited!
Moderator: Čufar Kristina (Faculty of Law University of Ljubljana, member of the Central European Professors’ Network)
- Vittoria Federici (Manager in the Content Policy team at Facebook): Facebook’s moderation of hate speech
- Kralj Novak Petra (Faculty of Law University of Ljubljana): Incendiary online speech through Slovenian case law (Inštitut Jožef Štefan): Vpogled v nesprejemljiv govor na slovenskem Twitterju (Inappropriate speech on Slovenian Twitter)
- Stajnko Jan (Faculty of Law University of Maribor): Illegal hate speech: criminal law perspective (Pravna fakulteta UM): Sovražni govor: kazenskopravne perspective (Hate speech: Criminal law perspective)
- Šulc Ajda (Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security University of Maribor): Triggers of online incendiary-hate speech (Fakulteta za varnostne vede UM): Sprožilci sovražnega govora na spletu (Triggers of online hate speech)
- Valentič Urška (Spletno oko): Spletno oko, a trusted flagger NGO (Fakulteta za družbene vede UL): Spletno oko – del projekta center za varnejši internet) (Spletno oko – project Safer Internet Centre)
Each speaker is asked to prepare a 10 minute presentation to kick off the discussion. Presentations are followed by a moderated debate and questions from the audience. The event takes place in Slovenian and English. The event is recorded.