Invitation to an International Interdisciplinary Conference “Religious Freedom and Education”


On October 8-10, 2020 will take place an International Interdisciplinary Conference "Religious Freedom and Education". The event will be organized as part of a Project "For the freedom to profess religion in the contemporary world. Counteracting the causes of discrimination and helping the persecuted based on the example of Christians", implemented by the Center for Strategic Analysis of the Institute of Justice.


Due to the current epidemiological situation, the conference will be organized in the form of a videoconference.



Religious freedom is a fundamental human right that lies at the core of the individual's worldview. The goal set by the organizers for this conference is, among others, to answer to questions that often appear in public space: to what extent religious freedom in education is and should be honored? How to balance it with the requirement of neutrality and other principles necessary in a democratic state? How can we integrate theory and practice? Most importantly, what can theorists from various fields of science learn from each other in this regard?



The topic of the first day of the conference (October 8) will be non-governmental organizations that deal with broadly understood religious freedom and the protection of the rights of people who are discriminated or persecuted because of religion or belief from different parts of the world.



On the second and third day (October 9-10), we will deepen the scientific reflection on religious freedom and its place in the broadly understood sphere of education. The Institute of Justice will host representatives of many eminent Polish and foreign academic centers.



Willingness to passively participation should be reported by sending an e-mail to the following address: The interested person will receive information about participation in the event. Willingness should be reported no later than on September 30, 2020.



Please send all inquiries regarding the Conference to:




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