International Scientific Conference “Law, Economy and Technology for the Prevention of the Causes of Crime”

On 7 December 2018, the international scientific conference “Law, economy and technology for the prevention of the causes of crime” was organized by the Institute of Justice. The event was held under the honorary patronage of Zbigniew Ziobro, the Minister of Justice, who officially inaugurated the event. The conference was devoted both to the issues encountered during the implementation of the research project and its results to date.
The event was attended by professors from the most important research centres in the world – Paul M. Healy from Harvard Business School, Roland Stephen from Stanford Research Institute, Michael Siegel from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Mike Rosenberg and Mireia Las Heras from IESE Business School.
The participants included people holding the most important functions in their organizations, representatives of international institutions, high-level managers of state-owned companies as well as representatives of government administration and law enforcement agencies.
The keynote of the event was modern technologies as well as legal and organizational solutions used by the administrations of highly developed countries and the largest corporations in the context of preventing the causes of crime.
The discussion covered four thematic areas in the field of finance, energy, insurance and people management in the organization. Issues such as strategic management, crime problem analysis, the use of new technologies in operation management, the availability of solutions to crime problems in the world, the creation of strategic scenarios for the future and innovative strategies for economic development, and the implementation of developed solutions to the Polish legal system were discussed.