Religious diversity

December 2 @ 14:00 – 15:30

Researcher: Dr. Lóránt Csink

The presentation gives a general overview of the content and history of freedom of religion. It focuses on the issue of how states should relate to different religions. It shows that states may have different attitudes toward religions; the different models are due to historical reasons.

Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa „Seventh workshop: Polish-Hungarian Research Platform”

W dniu 26 listopada 2021 r. odbyła się Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa zatytułowana „Seventh workshop: Polish-Hungarian Research Platform”. Wydarzenie to zostało zrealizowane w ramach międzynarodowego projektu badawczego pt. „Polish-Hungarian Research Platform”, realizowanego przez Instytut Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości we współpracy z oficjalnym partnerem projektu, którym jest Instytut Prawa Porównawczego im. Ferenca Mádla w Budapeszcie. W  wydarzeniu  wzięli udział znamienici polscy i węgierscy przedstawiciele nauk prawnych.

The protection of religious freedom in Central and Eastern European countries

November 26 @ 09:30 – 16:00

The Central European Professors’ Network, consisting of four research groups, launched its activities on 1 January 2021 to conduct research on a great variety of issues with regard to seven Central European countries (Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Croatia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia). The Professors’ Network organises events with the primary aim to draw attention of the European citizens to the topics which are important and significant in connection with the future of Europe, in particular of Central Europe.

Zapraszamy do biernego udziału w Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej zatytułowanej „Seventh workshop: Polish-Hungarian Research Platform”

Serdecznie zapraszamy do biernego udziału w Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej zatytułowanej „Seventh workshop: Polish-Hungarian Research Platform”. Wydarzenie odbędzie się 26 listopada 2021 r. (piątek) w godz. 9:15 – 14:05 na platformie Zoom. Konferencja zostanie zorganizowana w ramach międzynarodowego projektu badawczego pt. „Polish-Hungarian Research Platform”, realizowanego przez Instytut Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości we współpracy z oficjalnym partnerem projektu, którym jest Instytut Prawa Porównawczego im. Ferenca Mádla w Budapeszcie.

The impact of digital platforms and social media on freedom of expression and pluralism – in specific terms

November 23 @ 10:00 – 16:00

The Central European Professors’ Network, consisting of four research groups, launched its activities on 1 January 2021 to conduct research on a great variety of issues with regard to seven Central European countries (Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Croatia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia). The Professors’ Network organises events with the primary aim to draw attention of the European citizens to the topics which are important and significant in connection with the future of Europe, in particular of Central Europe.

The Impact of Digital Platforms and Social Media on Freedom of Expression and Pluralism

Type of the event: International Scientific Conference for post graduated students
Date of the event: 17 November 2021, 15:30 – 19:00
Venue: Online – Teams Meeting
Teams Meeting:
Language of the event: English

The Genesis of Linking Limitation on the Internet

On 15 November 2021, we are publishing online speech entitled „The Genesis of Linking Limitation on the Internet” what is organizing under the Central European Professors’ Network 2021, in cooperation with the Ferenc Madl Institute of Comparative Law, the European Association for Comparative Law and the Institute of Justice in Warsaw.

Zaproszenie do udziału w Debacie naukowej pt. „The impact of digital platforms and social media on freedom of expression and pluralism. Online comments and defamation.”

Serdecznie zapraszamy do udziału w debacie naukowej pt. “The impact of digital platforms and social media on freedom of expression and pluralism”, która odbędzie się w ramach Central European Professors’ Network 2021.

Wydarzenie będzie miało miejsce 9 listopada 2021 r. w godz. 11-11:45 w formie zdalnej. W ramach debaty głos ekspercki zabierze uznany specjalista z zakresu prawa gospodarczego, konkurencyjnego i prawa własności intelektualnej, prof. Dušan V. Popović, profesor Wydziału Prawa Uniwersytetu w Belgradzie.

International Scientific conference „Sixth workshop: Polish-Hungarian Research Platform”

On October 29, 2021, the International Scientific Conference entitled “Sixth workshop: Polish-Hungarian Research Platform” was held. This event was carried out as part of an international research project entitled “Polish-Hungarian Research Platform”, implemented by the Institute of Justice in cooperation with the official partner of the project, the Ferenc Mádl Institute of Comparative Law in Budapest. The event was attended by prominent Polish and Hungarian representatives of legal sciences.


The case law of the European Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Justice with regard to the East-Central European countries

The Central European Professors’ Network, consisting of four research groups, launched its activities on 1 January 2021 to conduct research on a great variety of issues with regard to seven Central European countries (Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Croatia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia). The Professors’ Network organises events with the primary aim to draw attention of the European citizens to the topics which are important and significant in connection with the future of Europe, in particular of Central Europe.

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