Migration challenges of Central Europe (video)


Researchers from Poland, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia and Serbia participated in a conference entitled “Legal Responses to Migration Challenges – View of Young Researchers” – given the current circumstances and socio-political events we are witnessing, the topic of our conference is of great importance today,” said IWS Head Prof. Marcin Wielec.



Legal responses of migration challenges – View of Young Researchers is the title of an international scientific conference held within the framework of the Central European Professors’ Network, coordinated by the Central European Academy. – Our conference focuses on a variety of issues related to migration and its legal and social consequences. Topics include the phenomena of migration-related crimes such as human trafficking, as well as the competencies and responsibilities of European Union member states in border management in the context of the European Court of Justice and human rights jurisprudence,” Prof. Marcin Wielec said at the outset.


The conference talked about the religious effects of migration, the role of the Border Guard in combating migration crime, and touched on issues concerning the free movement of workers within the European Union. – Illegal migration has been a problem in Europe for years – both of individual countries and the European Community as a whole. Importantly, for years the EU has been unable to meet this challenge, which affects the security of citizens and the realization of human rights and freedoms. I believe that our scientific debate at the highest level will allow us to develop de lege ferenda conclusions that will contribute to changes in both domestic and international migration and refugee law,” Prof. Wielec stressed.


The international conference is a dissemination event for Dr. Bartlomiej Oręziak as part of the “Migration Challenges – Legal Responses” research group, led by Prof. Marcin Wielc in the Central European Professors’ Network project.


During the conference, Dr. Bartlomiej Oręziak reminded the audience that the third edition of this conference is being held in 2023 as part of the Central European Professors’ Network. – So we have a new tradition here. In 2021 it was an international scientific conference entitled. “The impact of digital platforms and social media on freedom of expression and pluralism – the view of young researchers,” and in 2022 it was an international scientific conference titled. “The right to privacy – the view of young researchers,” – Dr. Oręziak said.


The event was held under the honorary patronage of the Department of Criminal Procedure of the Faculty of Law and Administration of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw.



The Scientific Committee brings together prominent specialists from across Europe:

Prof. Marcin Wielec (Poland), Prof. Davor Derencinovic (Croatia), Prof. Paweł Sobczyk (Poland), Prof. János Ede Szilágyi (Hungary), Prof. Cristian Mihes (Romania), Prof. Tímea Barzó (Hungary), Prof. Zombory Katarzyna (Hungary), Prof. Frane Staničić (Croatia), Prof. Erika Csemáné Váradi (Hungary), Prof. Nóra Béres (Hungary), Prof. Dalibor Đukić (Serbia), Prof. Samo Bardutzky (Slovenia), Prof. Gregor Maučec (Slovenia), Prof. Katarína Šmigová (Slovakia), Prof. Ľudmila Elbert (Slovakia), Prof. Fábián Gyula (Romania), Prof. Kateřina Frumarova (Czech Republic), Prof. David Sehnálek (Czech Republic), dr Mateusz Tchórzewski (Poland), dr Bartłomiej Oręziak (Poland).


You can find information about all the participanst in the Conference Flyer.

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