“Migration and integration. The impact of migration on the increase in crime ” Scientific Conference


On October 9, 2019 the Institute of Justice organized a scientific conference entitled “Migration and integration. The impact of migration on the increase in crime ”.The official inauguration of the conference was attended by the Minister of Justice, the Public Prosecutor General, Mr. Zbigniew Ziobro, and the Minister for Humanitarian Aid, member of the Council of Ministers, Mr. Michał Woś.


During the conference, papers were delivered:  The influence of emigration and refugees on the disappearance of Christianity in the countries of the Middle East; by priest Professor  UKSW Waldemar Cisło from Cardinal Wyszynski University in Warsaw;  Influence of mass migration on the increase in crime in Western Europe [casus of the Federal Republic of Germany] and the prospective security of Poland by Mr. Sławomir Ozdyk. Professor dr hab. Mirosław Karpiuk from the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn spoke of The Influence of Migration on the Internal Security of the State; and Professor j dr hab. Marek Bielecki from  Academy of Martial Arts on Family safety in the context of migration; Dr. Marcin Olszówka  discussed  Multiculturalism and migration as challenges for the protection of freedom of conscience and religion and the editor Aleksandra Rybińska spoke of  Integration or deportation.


Migration is a phenomenon of interest to researchers in various sciences, requiring an interdisciplinary and comprehensive approach. Due to the fact that  the conference was organised by the Institute of Justice, the legal approach dominated the discussions during the conference. Particular attention was paid to the problem of integration and security in the context of the phenomenon of contemporary migration.






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