Summer School – Christians and their religious freedom

On 15 July 2019, a seminar entitled Summer School – Christians and their religious freedom was launched at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. The event was organised as part of the project O wolność wyznawania religii we współczesnym świecie. Przeciwdziałanie przyczynom dyskryminacji i pomoc prześladowanym na przykładzie chrześcijan (About the freedom to profess religion in the modern world. Addressing the causes of discrimination and helping the persecuted: a case study of the persecution of Christians) , which is implemented by the Strategic Studies Centre of the Institute of Justice.

Two new publications of the Institute of Justice Press

In July, the Institute of Justice’s publishing arm released two new publications:


  • Fundamentalne prawne problemy surrogate motherhood. Perspektywa krajowa (Fundamental legal problems of surrogate motherhood. A national perspective), and
  • Fundamental legal problems of surrogate motherhood. Global perspective.


We hope the readers will find the books interesting.


Comparative law institutes compared during a conference in Lausanne

On 27 June 2019, a delegation of the Institute of Justice went to Lausanne, Switzerland to participate in an international conference of law institutes entitled Comparing Comparative Law Institutes. The conference was organised by the Lausanne-based Swiss Institute of Comparative Law in (Institut suisse de droit compare). The Conference was designed to serve as a forum promoting cooperation in academic studies and the international dissemination of their outcomes.

Law in Action quarterly included in ERIH PLUS

We are pleased to announce that the Institute of Justice quarterly journal Prawo w Działaniu (English title: Law in Action) has been included in the European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS)

An award-giving gala concludes a competition for the best doctoral and post-doctoral legal dissertation

On 7 June 2019, the Institute of Justice hosted a festive gala concluding the Competition for the Best Doctoral and Post-doctoral Legal Dissertation. The Competition was organised by the Institute of Justice’s publishing arm. The event was attended by authors of the winning dissertations, members of the Competition Chapter, Dr Marcin Romanowski, Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Justice, leaders and employees of the Institute of Justice and other invited guests.

Marcin Romanowski appointed a Deputy Minister of Justice

On 4 June 2019, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki approved Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro’s request and appointed Marcin Romanowski, Head of the Institute of Justice, as an Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Justice. Marcin Romanowski will be responsible for the cybersecurity of the justice system and the implementation of new technologies in the area of justice.


Scientific workshop: Counteracting the causes of crime in Human Management in Organizations

On June 3, 2019, a scientific workshop Counteracting the causes of crime in Human Management in Organizations was held, organized by the Institute of Justice. The workshop was attended by outstanding experts in the field of Human Management in Organizations and people playing the most important roles in their own organizations.

Scientific workshop: Counteracting the causes of crime in the insurance market

On May 20, 2019, a scientific workshop Counteracting the causes of crime in the insurance market was held, organized by the Institute of Justice. The workshop was attended by eminent experts in the field of the insurance market and people occupying the most important functions in their own organizations.

Wyniki konkursu na najlepszą pracę doktorską i habilitacyjną z zakresu nauk prawnych


W dniu 15 maja odbyło się posiedzenie Kapituły „Konkursu na najlepszą pracę doktorską i habilitacyjną z zakresu nauk prawnych”. Po długich obradach nagrody przyznano:


Scientific workshop Counteracting the causes of crime in the energy market

On April 29, 2019, a scientific workshop Counteracting the causes of crime in the energy market was held, organized by the Institute of Justice. The workshop was attended by outstanding experts in the field of the energy market and people occupying the most important functions in their own organizations.

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