Oxford Debate on the challenges of migration (preview)


“Migration challenges – legal responses” – is the theme of the third edition of the Oxford Debate, which will be held on October 9, 2023 at the headquarters of the Justice Institute. Its purpose is to draw the attention of European citizens to important and relevant topics related to the future of Europe, and Central Europe in particular.


The main objective of the Oxford Debate entitled. “Migration Challenges – Legal Responses” is to enable young researchers to present different visions and legal concepts on the balance between refugees and migrants, as well as the competence of the EU and EU member states in the field of refugee and migration law. Two teams will take part in the debate – a team from Poland and a team from Central Europe.


The conference is aimed at law practitioners and academics, doctoral students and anyone interested in the topic of migration law.


The Oxford Debate is organized as part of the Central European Professors’ Network project, coordinated by the Central European Academy. It is an event disseminating the work of the research group “Migration Challenges – Legal Responses”, headed by IWS Director Prof. UKSW Dr. Marcin Wielec. The event is held under the honorary patronage of the Chair of Criminal Procedure of the Faculty of Law and Administration of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw.


The Institute of Justice in Warsaw invites you to participate in the third edition of the Oxford Debate: “Migration Challenges – Legal Responses”, which will be held on October 9, 2023 at 11:00 am at the IWS headquarters, 25 Krakowskie Przedmieście Street.



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