Censorship and fake news in social media” Oxford debate

Feel invited to passively participate in the Oxford Debate on “Censorship and fake news in social media”
The event will take place on 31st May 2021 r. at 10:00 am via Zoom platform.
The debate will be organized by the Institute of Justice, Ferenc Mádla Institute of Comparative Law, Central European Association of Comparative Law and the Scientific Circle of Criminal Trial Law of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
The “Censorship and fake news in social media” debate is organised as a part of Central European Professors’ Network 2021
We will host experts from seven countries: Czech, Croatia, Poland , Hungary, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia.
The issue of digitization and counteracting its possible negative consequences seems to have a greater and greater impact on the development of European societies in the 21st century, therefore it is extremely important to sufficiently explore the legal perspective on this phenomenon.
The main goal of the event is to draw the attention of European citizens to important and vital topics related to the future of Europe in the 21st century and to enable young scientists to present their various visions regarding the analysis of the impact of fake news on the Internet in relation to freedom of speech and pluralism of opinion, and to analyze the impact of online censorship on freedom of speech and pluralism of opinion.
A characteristic feature of the Oxford debate is drawing attention to the benefits and threats of the progressive digitization of the modern world.
Registration link: https://forms.gle/xWapEvAkw26vWs7X7
Event link: https://zoom.us/j/98621666873?pwd=cDFQYUFjbUhoUDJIZlM2M2tsWHZpQT09
Meeting ID: 986 2166 6873
Passcode: 694820