Final of the “153 +1” competition

On December 18, 2020, the final of the competition entitled “153 +1” took place. The event was organized by the Center for Strategic Analysis of the Institute of Justice in Warsaw. The competition was held as part of the “Cybersecurity of the Visegrad Group for the prevention of the causes of crime” project, co-financed by the Justice Fund, administered by the Minister of Justice.
The aim of the “153 +1” competition was to develop interest in the subject of cybersecurity in an attractive and accessible way. It was created for young IT enthusiasts who would like to develop their skills in the field of cybercrime prevention and better learn about cybersecurity issues. In addition, the appearance of the competition in the public discourse was to contribute to the publicity of the topic of cybercrime, which in turn was to increase public awareness of the methods of preventing the causes of cybercrime. The competition was also a form of legal education of participants in the field of modern technologies. A serious threat to modern societies is the lack of sufficient knowledge about the existing threats and methods of operation of cybercriminals and ways of counteracting cybercrime. The competition consisted of two parts, during which participants increased their level of legal knowledge in the field of modern technologies, and also had the opportunity to develop industry skills by facing a number of practical tasks in the field of computer network security. The event was run in the popular Capture The Flag formula.
The first place in the competition with the number of 3896 points was taken by the team “Laura x Dominika”. The second place with 3946 points was achieved by the representatives of “Scr1ptK1tt13s”. The third place was taken by the “ScriptDogs” team with 3746 points.
The final classification of the competition is available on the event website here: