Świdnica Municipality – communication training courses

“Communication for Professionals” is one of 6 workshops planned as part of the “Swidnica Against Violence” project, intended for professionals working in the field of domestic violence prevention. During the two-day (15-hour) meeting, social workers, family assistants, probation officers, school counselors, police officers, PCPR and health care workers gained, among other things, practical knowledge on how to deal with ordinary and extraordinary communication situations at work.
In addition, they were introduced to the Relational Risk Assessment Tool and discussed cases of the validity of using the tool using examples of families where no violence has occurred, but there is concern that the identified relational risks could turn into violent behavior in the future. Workshop participants also received comprehensive information on the forms and places of professional support, which is available to the residents of Swidnica as part of the activities of the Center for Families, in connection with the implementation of the Project “Swidnica against violence” carried out under the Justice Program, financed from Norwegian and national funds.
More information from the event can be found on the social media of the Świdnica Municipality: https://www.facebook.com/pomocna.swidnica/videos/625694082750887