Świdnica municipality – workshops for professionals

The workshop titled “Relationships – Your Best Investment” is another educational form for representatives of professional groups involved in solving social problems in Świdnica, which was organized as part of the activities of the Center for Families, in connection with the implementation of the Project “Świdnica against violence” implemented under the Justice Program, financed from Norwegian and national funds.
The two-day workshop on June 15-16, 2023 was attended by 17 people, including probation officers, educators, social workers, family assistants, employees of the District Center for Family Assistance, health care. During the meeting, participants were introduced to the key concepts of the topic of relationality and ways to build quality relationships, analyzed the causes and consequences of relational poverty in different age groups, discussed domestic and foreign practices related to initiatives to promote relationality, and equipped participants with methods, techniques and tools for working effectively with clients with relationship problems.
The workshop was led by Magdalena Maciejewska – a doctoral student in pedagogy at the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of Social Sciences. She is the author of a manual as part of the project “Integrated System for Prevention of Domestic Violence” implemented under the Justice Program, financed by Norwegian and national funds: “Does relational work pay off? A handbook on the basics of investing in romantic relationships”. Magdalena Maciejewska is also the author of articles she prepares as part of the “Swidnica Against Violence” project. In them she popularizes issues related to relationality and building good relationships. The first article was devoted to the disease of the 21st century, which is SELFISHNESS. There are 9 more articles ahead, which will be available to read, among others, on the Facebook page “PoMocna Świdnica”.
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