On July 15-20, 2019, the Institute of Justice organized a summer school at the Faculty of Theology of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń on religious freedom and religious persecution.
The goal of the summer school was to form the foundations of knowledge necessary for academic involvement to defending religious freedom and protecting religious minorities against persecution. In addition, the audience got acquainted with sociological and psychological theories useful in the analysis of religious prejudices with a special emphasis on prejudices against Christians.
The workshops were held in the form of lectures and seminars. Classes were conducted by the lecturers from the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, the University of Birmingham (United Kingdom) and the University of Zagreb (Croatia). In addition to specialists, participants of the conference: students, doctoral students and young scientists from Poland and abroad also gave short speeches on topics related to religious freedom and religious persecution.
Counteracting the causes of discrimination and helping the persecuted based on the example of Christians