Summer School – Christians and their religious freedom

On 15 July 2019, a seminar entitled Summer School – Christians and their religious freedom was launched at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. The event was organised as part of the project O wolność wyznawania religii we współczesnym świecie. Przeciwdziałanie przyczynom dyskryminacji i pomoc prześladowanym na przykładzie chrześcijan (About the freedom to profess religion in the modern world. Addressing the causes of discrimination and helping the persecuted: a case study of the persecution of Christians) , which is implemented by the Strategic Studies Centre of the Institute of Justice.
The central idea of the seminar was to increase the sensitivity to the presence of persecution, all forms of discrimination and prejudice against believers and to identify ways of preventing crime in this area. The event was attended by prominent Polish and international human rights experts specialising in such fields as the freedom of religion, anti-discrimination and religious persecution. The seminar included lectures and workshops. Each lecture was conducted by an expert who explained problems of discrimination and religious persecution. The workshops, on the other hand, became a forum for exchanging views, providing the participants with an opportunity to be heard in the discussion on the freedom of religion. The lectures and workshops were designed for undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students, young scholars and all those academically exploring the themes of religious freedom, discrimination and religious persecution.