Results of the competition for the best doctoral and habilitation thesis in the field of legal sciences

We are pleased to inform you that the meeting of the chapter of the 2nd Competition for the best doctoral and habilitation thesis in the field of legal sciences took place on September 30 this year. After discussion and voting, the following winners were selected.
- dr hab. Przemysław Litwiniuk, Rural Development Program as a program document and source of agricultural law
- dr hab. Marek Salamonowicz, The content and legal nature of the research and development contract
- dr hab. Anna Moszyńska, The genesis of inheritance law in the Polish civil code of 1964
- dr Marcin Rau, Offenses against cultural goods in international criminal law
- dr Michał Pawłucki, The idea of community versus selected scientific paradigms and regulations of Polish labor law
- dr Marcin Śliwa, Justice for the conditional discontinuation of criminal proceedings