Diaspora Policies in the 21st Century – New Answers for New Challenges
March 28 @ 10:00 – March 29 @ 15:30
It is our honor to invite you to the conference titled Diaspora Policies in the 21st Century – New Answers for New Challenges, which will take place on March 28 and 29, in the Lecture Hall of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Budapest, Széchenyi tér 9, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Felolvasóterem).

Dzień Przyjaźni Polsko-Węgierskiej 2022
Dzień 23 marca został ustanowiony jako Dzień Przyjaźni Polsko-Węgierskiej. Deklaracja o jego ustanowieniu została przyjęta 12 marca 2007 roku na mocy jednomyślnej decyzji wszystkich członków Parlamentu Węgier. Cztery dni później – 16 marca 2007 roku – taką uchwalę przez aklamację podjął Sejm RP.

COFOLA conference EU Green Policy – Law, Finance and Innovation
Format of the event: Online or in-person
Date of the event: 24 April 2022
Language of the event: English
Venue: MS Teams

MUNLAWS 2022 Conference
Format of the event: in-person
Venue: Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana.
Date of the event: between 11 and 13 November 2022
Language of the event: English

Current Challenges of Environmental Law from a Human Rights Perspective
The importance of the protection of the environment is by now recognized on a global level, and the challenges that environmental changes pose to humankind are targeted by the instruments of international law, as it is shown by the variety of international environmental treaties. Apart from international treaties, however, an even more protective approach is needed, in order to reverse or slow down certain environmental processes that might cause huge damages for the planet. Such an approach could be guaranteed by the international human rights system, as it offers sophisticated legal and extra-legal mechanisms that could be applied for environmental issues: harms, such as pollution, explosion, dumping, emission of hazardous materials, etc. could be addressed through human rights forums, as these problems interfere with the values that human rights are desgined to protect.

“Children rights – Family values – Parental custody”
The Central European Academy pleased to inform you that you are cordially invited to attend and participate the International Webinar Conference For Doctoral Students forum which offers unique opportunities to share your ideas. Transform your research and best practices into a presentation on “Children rights – Family values – Parental custody” and be one of the shapers of the webinar event!

Constitutional Values
February 24 15:00 – 17:00
In the framework of this international scientific webinar the lecturers will give presentations regarding their article published in the Central European Journal of Comparative Law. The issues concerned in the course of this webinar will be primarly the christian values and fundamental rights in the constitutions of the states examined.

International Investment Law and EU Law: Dialogue or Confrontation?
Format of the event: Webinar
Date of the event: 27 January 2022
Language of the event: English
Venue: Budapest (Hungary)

The Development of Integration Theories in East Central Europe
Format of the event: Webinar
Date of the event: 14 January 2022
Language of the event: English
Venue: University of Miskolc (Hungary)

Central European Journal of Comparative Law – 20 punktów !
Uprzejmie informujemy, że zgodnie z treścią Komunikatu Ministra Edukacji i Nauki z dnia 1 grudnia 2021 r. w sprawie wykazu czasopism naukowych i recenzowanych materiałów z konferencji międzynarodowych, czasopismo naukowe Central European Journal of Comparative Law uzyskało 20 punktów!
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