Ceremonial unveiling of a memorandum plaque in tribute to the Soldiers of the General Józef Haller Volunteer Army of 1920.

The unveiling of the commemorative plaque took place on July 28, 2020 – on the hundredth anniversary of the victory over the Bolsheviks in the Battle of Warsaw. The event took place at the building of the Regional Prosecutor’s Office in Warsaw, i.e. where one hundred years ago there was one of the recruitment points established on the initiative of the veterans of the January Uprising.

Interdisciplinary Summer School on Religious Freedom

On July 20-23, 2020, the Interdisciplinary Summer School on Religious Freedom took place. The event was organized by the Institute of Justice as part of a research “For the freedom to profess religion in the modern world. Counteracting the causes of discrimination and helping the persecuted on the example of Christians ” project, the implementation of which is conducted by the Institute of Justice Strategic Analysis Center and co-financed by the Justice Fund administered by the Minister of Justice.

Competition for the best paper in the field of strategic communication

The director of the Institute of Justice announces a competition for the best paper in the field of strategic communication. The aim of the competition is to disseminate knowledge in the field of law and increase common legal awareness. The subject of the competition is to prepare five essays on the topics indicated by the Institute. One main prize will be awarded in the competition, and the number of distinctions depends on the decision of the Competition Jury. We invite all interested participants who have the status of a student or are university graduates to take part in the competition.

When punishment is not enough. On the practice of applying civil post-penal measures to perpetrators with mental disorders that pose a threat to society

On June 3, 2020, a scientific conference was held entitled “When punishment is not enough. On the practice of applying civil post-penal measures to perpetrators with mental disorders posing a threat to society”, organized by the Institute of Justice. The conference took the form of an online webinar.

Szanowni Państwo,


w związku z aktualną sytuacją epidemiologiczną kraju, Instytut Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości do odwołania przechodzi w zdalny tryb pracy.


Życzymy dużo zdrowia,

Dyrekcja IWS

Invitation to an International Interdisciplinary Conference “Religious Freedom and Education”

On October 8-10, 2020 will take place an International Interdisciplinary Conference “Religious Freedom and Education”. The event will be organized as part of a Project “For the freedom to profess religion in the contemporary world. Counteracting the causes of discrimination and helping the persecuted based on the example of Christians”, implemented by the Center for Strategic Analysis of the Institute of Justice.


Konferencja „Gdy kara nie wystarcza. O praktyce stosowania cywilnych środków postpenalnych  wobec sprawców z zaburzeniami psychicznymi stwarzającymi zagrożenie dla społeczeństwa“

W imieniu Instytutu Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości mamy zaszczyt i przyjemność zaprosić Państwa do udziału w Konferencji na temat: „Gdy kara nie wystarcza. O praktyce stosowania cywilnych środków postpenalnych wobec sprawców z zaburzeniami psychicznymi stwarzającymi zagrożenie dla społeczeństwa”, która odbędzie się w dniu 3 czerwca 2020 roku.

Panu Doktorowi Witoldowi Borysiakowi

wyrazy szczerego współczucia

z powodu śmierci Ojca


Dyrekcja i Pracownicy

Instytutu Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości

Publication of the Institute of Justice Publishing House “On higher education and training of lawyers”

We kindly inform you about the release of the latest publication of the Publishing House of the Institute of Justice entitled “About higher education and training of lawyers” by prof. dr hab. Jolanta Jabłońska-Boncy.

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