Projekt „Zintegrowany System Zapobiegania Przemocy Domowej” jest organizowany przez Instytut Sprawiedliwości w Warszawie (organizator projektu) w partnerstwie z Uniwersytetem w Stavanger (partner projektu)




Scientific Conference “Legal Aspects of the Prevention of Domestic Violence”

The Justice Institute invites you to participate in scientific conference: “Legal aspects of domestic violence prevention”.

International Scientific Conference “Integrated System for the Prevention of Domestic Violence”.

The Justice Institute invites you to participate in the international scientific conference: ” Integrated System for Prevention of Domestic Violence”.

Polsko-norweskie badania nad ochroną dzieci

Przedstawiciele Instytutu Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości uczestniczyli w naukowo-badawczej wizycie w Norwegii. Międzynarodowy projekt badawczy jest ściśle powiązany ze zmianami w zakresie ochrony praw dzieci w Polsce, a  w szczególności z tzw. ustawą Lex Kamilek.


Training of domestic violence prevention specialists

50 participants from 14 local governments took part in a training of specialists for employees of municipalities and aid institutions within the framework of the research project titled. “Integrated System for Prevention of Domestic Violence,” which is being implemented by the Justice Institute. The trainings are part of the Polish-Norwegian cooperation project.

Scientific research delegation in Norway

Scientific and research visit of a delegation from the Institute of Justice to the University of Stavanger. The meetings in Norway are an important stage of the international research project entitled. “Integrated System for Counteracting Domestic Violence.”

How to better prevent domestic violence?

Researchers from various legal fields and social sciences discussed better effectiveness of prevention against domestic violence. The international conference at the Justice Institute was organized within the framework of the Polish-Norwegian cooperation program.

International conference on counteracting domestic violence

The Institute of Justice invites you to participate in the international scientific conference on counteracting domestic violence, entitled “How to help victims of domestic violence and what can be done better? – review of existing solutions and proposition of new activities ”.
The conference will be organized on September 29-30, 2022 as part of the research project entitled “Integrated Domestic Violence Prevention System” which is run by the Institute of Justice in cooperation with the Norwegian University of Stavanger.

Otwarty nabór wniosków w ramach Programu „Sprawiedliwość” – Fundusz Małych Grantów 1 – Pilotażowe wdrożenie zintegrowanych programów zapobiegania przemocy domowej

Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości, Operator Programu „Sprawiedliwość”, współfinansowanego ze środków Norweskiego Mechanizmu Finansowego na lata 2014-2021, ogłosiło otwarty nabór wniosków w ramach Funduszu Małych Grantów 1 w obszarze programowym Przeciwdziałanie przemocy w rodzinie i przemocy ze względu na płeć.


Zachęcamy do zapoznania się ze szczegółami dostępnymi na stronie Ministerstwa Sprawiedliwości:

International Scientific Conference “Integrated domestic violence prevention system”

On July 7, 2022, the International Scientific Conference “Integrated domestic violence prevention system” was held at the seat of the Institute of Justice. The event was organized as part of an international research project entitled “Integrated system of prevention of domestic violence”, led by the Institute of Justice with the participation of the Norwegian project partner – University of Stavanger, within the framework of the “Justice” Program financed by Norway Grants and national funds.


International Scientific Conference “Integrated domestic violence prevention system”

We cordially invite you to participate in the International Scientific Conference entitled “Integrated domestic violence prevention system”, which will take place on July 7, 2022 at the seat of the Institute of Justice, located at Krakowskie Przedemieście 25 in Warsaw. The event will be organized as part of an international research project entitled “The Integrated System of Prevention of Domestic Violence”, led by the Institute of Justice with the participation of the Norwegian Project Oartner – University of Stavanger, within the framework of the “Justice” Program financed by Norway Grants and national funds.

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